Objectives of the Department :
The department of Economics started functioning as an important faculty in Arts since 1969. Economics being one of the most relevant and important subjects in B.A. and B.Com degree courses has always attracted large number of students throughout. The acceptance of Welfare State doctrine, the need to bring about rapid economic development through economic planning and policies, ever increasing fiscal operations of modern states, expanding primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in the economy, developments in the field of money and banking and international trade, the new wave of Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization of economy have all necessitated the knowledge of economics. The department since its inception has been doing its best to equip the students under its fold with this knowledge and prepare the desired labour for this field.
- To impart Economic education to the students.
- Development of leadership quality.
- To create economic awareness among the students by establish department museum.
- To promote reading, writing and talking skills relating to economic literature.
- To increase the publications by the teachers and students.
- To undertake research work.
History of the Department :
Shri D.A.Hegde M.A.,LL.B. Headed the department to start with. He left our in College in 1976 to join Gogte College of Commerce, Belagaum as the Principal. Shri T.K.Dixit who was the senior faculty in the department became the head after Shri Hegde’s departure. He worked as principal from 01-03-2004 to 31-05-2004. Shri J.S.Hegde then senior headed the department till his retirement on 31-10-2017. Shri Suresh S. Guttikar the past student of this department working since 1988 became the head of the department. Shri Divakar H.S. a product of our department joined the institution in the year 2017 as a guest faculty. Smt. Soumya Madagaonkar, Mr. Sachin Naik served the institution for some time. Smt. Asha Naik rendering her service in the department.
Mission :
To create an environment which enables students to think practically about economic problems.
Vision :
To enhance competitiveness in rural students to face the new challenges emerged in connection with globalization.
Association under Department of Economics :
- Economics & Commerce Forum
- Economics department
Subject Taught :
- Indian Economy
- Micro Economics
- Public Economics
- Monetary Economics
- Industrial Economics
- International Economics
- Statistics & Mathematics
Learning Resources: (Library Total Books): 500
- Centralised Library with 500 reference books
- N-List – E-Journals
Best Practices:
- Giving the Project Work
- Competition of Talents
- Book Prizes to the Students Scoring Highest Marks in University Examination
- Providing free books for those who need (Personal Library)
- Conduct State Level Seminars, Workshop and Special Lectures
Teachers’ activities:
- Organized State Level Seminars
- Organized Special Lectures
- Work shops on Career Opportunities & Personality Development
- Attending Refresher Course to update their Knowledge
- Project Work / Research
- Attending as Guest Speakers
- Research Paper presenting International, National, State Level seminars.
- Given students Project work
- Given students seminars
- Conducting inter disciplinary Lecturing.
Conducting Curriculum Activities:
- Sate Level Seminar 04
- Relevance of Ambedkar Thoughts
- B.H.Shridhara Literature
- Challenges of Higher Education
- Re-reading Dr.Shivarama Karantha
Workshop 02
- A Read on Kuvempu
- Mahile, Samaj & Sahitya
Inter Disciplinary Programme 01
- Economics in every day’s life
Students Seminar: 40
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Finance
- Importance of Mathematics & Statistics to learn Economics.