To be ruled by a constitution is an act of salvation and not an act of slavery -Abraham Lincoln
Objectives of the Department:
Knowledge of Political System is sine que to individual today, especially in a dynamic set-up. Democracy was a fashion during the 18th century, a passion during the 19th century. But from the 20th onwards it has become almost a religion, a way of life itself with the advent of democratic ideals and it has been a common and also the best available form a government allowing every person in the management of Political affairs. Its success demands that every citizen should possess political ideals, people become politically consciousness and be active. India being the biggest democracy in the world makes people politically mature.
The department of Political science was set-up in our college with an intention to equip our student with political maturity. It imparts knowledge about political ideologies of ancient, Medieval, and Modern Political thinkers, Constitution of India, U.S.A. U. K France, Switzerland, etc., and art of meaning and managing the systematically the political happening in India and abroad.
History of the department:
The department of political science was set up in our college on 15.06.1969. It had the honour of having Prof. P. P. Hegde a renowned scholar in political science as the first teacher and Head of the department laid solid foundation of the department by attracting many students to offer Political Science as a Minor and Major (Optional) subject.
Details of the Staff
- Name: Lakshman M. Nail
Designation: Guest Lecturer
Qualification: M. A.
Date of Appointment: 22nd June. 1995
- Name: Narayan T. Naik
Designation: Guest Lecturer
Qualification: M. A.
Date of Appointment: Ist July 2001 to 2018
- Prof. Basalingappa Aravalad M.A., K-SET 2018-2023 March
Learner centred education of excellence. Develop adaptability to technological skills, to meet the challenges of changing global village.
To develop the department on modern lines incorporating the current political trends. So that our students will be able to understand Indian democracy in the form of success by being creative and responsible citizens.
Association under Department of Political Science:
- Electoral literacy Club
- Seminar
- Workshop
- Liberty Clube
Subject Taught:
- Indian Government Politics
- Ancient Indian Political Ideals and institution
- Modern Political Analysis
- Basic Concept in Political Science
- Political Theory
- Western Political Thought
- Indian National Movement and Constitutional Development
- Public Administration
- Political Process and Institutional in India
Learning Resources:
- Centralised Library with reference Books
- N-List E-Journal
Best Practice:
- Case studies
- Giving Project work
- Competition of Talents
- Students Seminar
- Workshop
- Special Lecturing
Teachers Activities:
- Organized State Level Seminar
- Organized Special Lecture
- Workshop on career opportunity and Personality Development
- Project work/ Case study
- Attending as Guest Speakers
- Given Students Seminar
- Given Students Project work.
Conducting Curriculum Activities:
- State Level Seminar:
- Relevance of Hegde’s Views on federal System and Centre – State Relation in present and future.
- Modern Concept of India; Relevance of Ambedkar Thoughts.
Students Seminar:
- Salient features of Ancient Western Political Thoughts
- Indian National Movement
- Government of Indian act of 1935
- Indian Independence act of 1947
- David Easton’s Input-Output Model of Political System